Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jude turns 4!

It has come and gone, my eldest is now 4!  Jude Edgar Putnam, entered the world 2 weeks late and he likes to inform us it was because he likes to be cozy.  Apparently, he views my belly cozy.  But it is true, his favorite pants are so called "cozy pants.". We get dressed up for 2 occasions- church and our BSF bible study.  But as soon as we get in the door at home, Jude disappears upstairs to change into cozy pants.  He can't sleep without his soft blue blanket and Elphie, his stuffed elephant.

Just because Jude loves to be cozy, he is a warrior.  For the first part of this year he would growl, roar, or run over another boy because he was demonstrating "rhino power".  Being a boy and having a warrior mentality isn't bad when used with righteous intentions.  May the Lord give us wisdom on how to do that.  As a result of this little warrior, he asked to have a "KNIGHT BIRTHDAY Party.".

So we entered the 4's with a bang!  Each child was Knighted by Jonathan and given a sword.  They painted their own shield's and were sent off to slay the dragon (uncle Joel) and the dragon piñata.  It was a great time. 

I wasn't sure what to expect approaching 4.  When Jude literally turned 2 it was as if he got an injection of "independence".  My very compliant baby turned a corner at 2.  Then the day he turned 3 it was as if  he got another injection, this time very bully-like or possessive (like protecting his territory.). So I wasn't sure what was going to happen at 4!   Well, God's plan and molding for this little boy never cease to amaze me.  Jude has received a shot of Kindness, empathy and servant like heart.  I'm not kidding.

We were getting out of the van for church and Jude looks at Elijah and says, "I got my eyes on you, Eli.". Then he turns to me and says, "Mom, I got Eli covered.". That's my boy!  I am excited to see what God does this year in my boys heart and life. 

I love you Jude Edgar Putnam, your giggles, your strategic mind, your love for being home, and your love for cozy pants. 

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