Saturday, October 9, 2010

The baby came and he is our joy!

I'd ike for you to meet Jude Edgar Putnam.

He arrived a while ago. April 18th to be exact. He was almost 9 lbs. Now he is even bigger, maybe 18 lbs. He is our joy.

He's huge. Loves to smile, talk, sit up and jump in the Johnny jumper.

We love this little guy.
Since he was born in April we've taken 2 vacations to Smith Mt. Lake, VA., moved from Maryland to Ohio, lived with the Byers, my parents and finally moved into a great townhouse in North Olmsted. It's been a whirlwind but now after 6 months of life with a baby I feel settled.

I am more in love with my husband now than ever before and my heart is full when I watch Jude smile and laugh with his dad.
Life is good and God is great!