Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome 2011

So I haven't written on our blog in a few months. Right now I am listening to "I got better things to do" by Sharon Jones. This song really fits me when it comes to keeping up to date my emails, blogs, facebook and Jude's baby book but rest assured I am trying to be more organized this next year. I am in a grove with my 9 month old and Jonathan's non-traditional work schedule. So I have no excuses.

Today we took Jude to the YMCA. There is a foot of snow outside so I figured that since the water temperature in the Y was 88 degrees it would be warm. Not warm enough for either of us. He didn't know what to do with this new experience. He was quiet, whined a little, and perplexed. Then out of no where a ring clocked him on the head which made him more perplexed, but without tears. I am not sure we'll go again for a few months.