Monday, November 2, 2009

God saved you from being a "Feminist"

God has done much in my heart over the last few weeks. For months I have been wrestling with the role of woman. It started years ago with misunderstandings and sweeping assumptions that I was making that were not true. (I'll spare you the ugly details).

All of this came to a head in my life when I shared my life story with a friend. Her response was, "Wow, God really saved you from being a feminist." "A FEMINIST," I thought, "how dare she call me a feminist!" (disclaimer~ she wasn't calling me a feminist. But again I was making a sweeping assumption of what she meant. I see a pattern here.)

As a result of this conversation, I went home a little bit riled. Okay, really ticked off. But God has used it to bring clarity over all these issues and misunderstandings I have had been brewing about for the last few years. It was though He was asking me to lay aside all my "criticisms" and "sweeping assumptions of what wasn't said" and write down what I am passionate about and how I can use those passions for His glory. My entire perspective was changed. The light bulb went on.

God brought such clarity for me to do some specific things in this order~

  1. To write down my understanding of Biblical Femininity, my passions for myself and other woman.

  2. To search Scripture to see if my passions and understanding are aligned with God's Word as the ultimate authority.

  3. To invite others to evaluate my passions and understanding of God's Word

  4. To make corrections where I am wrong in my position

  5. To ask my husband and others how I can serve our family and our church out of my passions for the glory of God.

All this to say, God has lifted a strong burden off of my chest that I need not carry, analyze and ponder anymore. The best part of all of this is that 4 days after the Feminist remark, the pastor taught on Proverbs 31. I heard firsthand from the pulpit God's desire to use woman for expanding His kingdom, through the family and community. I had a smirk on my face knowing that God really does care about me and wants to reveal Himself to me through issues like these.

So today I am off to make my list about the passions I have in serving our family and church.

Thank you Lord for bringing clarity to an area that has been so cloudy.


  1. Cool, Meg! Thanks for you.

  2. Meg I loved reading this! I MISS you and your beautiful heart!

  3. Ditto, and I love the pic of you and JP - makes me smile every time I see that huge smile on your face.
